At the backside of your jaw, there is a small group of third molars, also known as wisdom teeth. They are called wisdom teeth because they grow at the ages of seventeen and twenty-one which is considered a mature age. If they are grown perfectly they can help you chew. Sometimes teeth cause a problem when they do not grow properly as they might develop in a bigger size than their normal size. Moreover, they can develop without any space left among the other teeth at a specified position that causes stress to the next set of teeth. Such a situation makes you lose the problematic wisdom teeth.
What happens during the wisdom teeth removal procedure?
If your wisdom teeth have been ejected properly, they can be treated easily by your dentist. But if a wisdom tooth is grown under your gums or in your jaw bone, it can become problematic for you and will require basic tooth extraction.
During the procedure, your dentist will eliminate a section of your bone that projects upon the tooth. Moreover, he/she will make an incision into the gums. It is a gentle process to reduce the volume of bone. The dentist will pull out the parts of it rather than having it fully taken away.
How long do wisdom teeth take to heal?
Just after a wisdom tooth removal, the patient will recover from the sedatives and the anesthesia used during the surgery. Also, the patient may experience inflammation over the treated and the surrounding areas of the mouth. The following things mentioned below may answer the question of how long does it take for wisdom teeth to heal.
There are some things discussed below that you may experience when going through wisdom tooth healing stages:
- Your dentist will place a gauze pad on the treated area. Keep pressing the area delicately until the bleeding stops. He/she may replace or change the gauze when it becomes soaked with blood.
- Avoid hard physical activities as it can exaggerate bleeding from the treated area. After the wisdom tooth extraction, you should rest at home placing pillows down your head so that bleeding may stop.
- Your dentist may recommend ice packs to reduce the swelling in the next twenty-four hours of tooth extraction.
- He/She may advise you to take a liquid diet until you recover from your wound. Avoid too hot or cold liquids as it may result in extreme pain.
- If you are hungry, you may eat soft foods such as mashed potatoes, jelly, soups, or pudding.
- If the impression of local or general anesthesia is still not over, don’t touch the treated area with your hands as when it will over result in severe pain.
- Make sure that you will clean the area of the wound with a tepid which is a saline solution. Maintain cleanliness in your mouth.
- You may have to change your brushing technique until the wound is completely cured as regular brushing may affect the wound negatively. So, brush carefully and clean the treated area delicately.
However, if you are still bleeding or you are experiencing extreme pain over the treated area, visit orthodontist office as soon as possible.
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