Published on 10/27/2022 6:52 am
What Causes An Overbite?

It is unclear why some people develop an overbite while others do not; some people's jaws are malformed from birth and develop unevenly. Others may be born with too large or too small jaws for their teeth, which can result in crowding, broad spaces between teeth, and an overbite. Genetics plays a big part, as we all know. As an outcome, it is more likely that if the parents need overbite braces treatment for their overbite, so would their children.


According to orthodontists specialists in Florida, environmental factors rather than genetics are to blame for some of the deepest overbites. After age five, a kid who routinely sucks their thumb, finger, or both is in danger of moving the front teeth and jawbone forward. While some portions of the hand or can press against the bottom teeth and bone back, the top teeth and jaw grow outward to make room for the forward tongue. 


Do Braces Help In Correcting Overbite? 


Most overbite problems can be solved with braces. During the assessment phase, X-rays determine the type of overbite and the teeth and jaw position. The lower and upper dental arches were then fitted with braces. The archwire initially aligns and straightens the teeth. In the second braces stage, elastics may be used to shift the jawline into the correct position gently. Overbite before and after therapy, the overbite's effects are visible.


The bands are fastened to the brackets from the front to the back or top to bottom to assist in moving the teeth and jaw. Brace bands are taken off and put back on before consuming anything and brushing your teeth. The bands must be worn to provide consistent pressure, and frequent wearing and removal may cause more frequent tooth and jaw pain.


The last step in treatment is wearing a retainer or utilizing a permanent wire overbite before and after braces to keep the teeth in the proper alignment. Some people may want to use covert treatments like Invisalign aligners or ceramic or lingual braces to treat their overbite.


When Should The Overbite Treatment Begin? 


In general, the sooner orthodontic treatment for an overbite can start, the better. Patients who clench and grind their jaws are damaging their teeth. Some overbites make it difficult to clean the teeth properly. It increases the risk of gum disease and dental decay for the patient. Regular headaches, teeth pain, migraines, and jaw pain can make it challenging to carry out daily tasks. Some people notice progress in their health condition as soon as their braces start realigning their teeth and jaw.


How Long Do Dental Braces Take To Fix An Overbite? 


According to a pediatric dentist Miami fl, the most complex orthodontic issue to treat with braces is a deep overbite. Furthermore, the problem is typically not limited to an overbite. The patient frequently has overcrowding or misplaced teeth, so several issues must be addressed. Even though each case is different, severe overbite cases may necessitate wearing braces for at least two years. After the braces are removed, a retainer holds the teeth in place.




We hope the above-provided information will help you learn some beneficial and valuable information regarding overbite treatment with braces. For more helpful information, please visit 


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